Monday 8 August 2022

Recruitment Transformation With Analytics- Use cases, Outcome Expected and Proposed Features

Recruitment  Transformation

Requisition Fulfilment Probability

Business Issue

A lot of work is wasted on sourcing profiles for Requirements (Reqs) where there is low probability of submission and submissions of profiles which have low probability of hires

Phase 1


Predictive model to provide the probability that a submission will be made against a Req successfully

Outcome Expected

This actionable intelligence will help the recruiters focus on the Reqs where the probability of successful submission is high reducing the time and resource wasted on working on the Reqs with lower probability of success

Features, which could be used

Skills (Required), Skills (Candidates), Job Title, Positions, Req Location, Req Type, Req Category, Company rate for the skill,  Education Level, Years of Experience, Years in Consulting, Availability of Consultants in a particular area for a skill and average bill rate of the consultants in a particular area for a skill

Phase 2


Probability that the submitted profile will go to the interview stage

Outcome Expected

This actionable intelligence will help to skip the time or efforts that is getting wasted by recruiters in trying to submit resume where the probability of a resume going for interview is very low

Features, which could be used

Division, Skills (Required), Skills (Candidates), Job Title, Positions, Req Location, Req Type, Req Category, Company rate for the skill, Education Level, Years of Experience, Years in Consulting, Availability of Consultants in a particular area for a skill

Phase 3


Probability of interviewed candidates getting selected

Outcome Expected

This actionable intelligence will help in planning for coaching, onboarding, forecasting and account management

Features, which could be used

Division, Skills (Required), Skills (Candidates), Job Title, Positions, Req Location, Req Type, Req Category, Company rate for the skill, Education Level, Years in total Experience, Years in Consulting, Availability of Consultants in an area for a skill

Probability of a Consultant Leaving Within 90 Days of Joining

Business Issue

There are quite a few consultants who resign within 90 days of start (this is different from selected candidates who accepted the offer not joining) leading to revenue loss.


We want to analyze the candidate profiles and interactions with the company and come up with a predictability model that can identify the candidates with higher probability of leaving within 90 days of joining before the resume submission step.

Outcome Expected

Maximize the topline and bottom-line contribution from each of the consultants placed with the client

Features, which could be used

Skills (Required), Skills (Candidates), Job Title, Req Location, Req Location (Preferred), Salary (Existing), Company rate for the skill, Education Level, Years of Experience, Years in Consulting, Demand for a particular skill in a specific area, Social Media Listening

Candidate Joining Likelihood              

Business Issue

After going through the entire process some candidates fail to turn-up for the project, leading to loss of revenue and reputation.


Build a model which is trained through historical data to recognize the differences between a candidate that joined and one that was reported as a bad delivery.

Outcome Expected

Reduce bad delivery and improve topline and bottomline.

Features, which could be used

Not Joining Status, Salary, Company rate for the skill, Exp Bill Rate, Candidate_Skills, Req Skills, Candidate City, Candidate State, Req City, Req State, Willing To Travel, Willing to Relocate, Willing To Telecommute, Availability Date, Interview On, Contacted Date, Source, Division, Employee Status, Exp Start Date, Act End Date, Last Contacted Date, Submitted On, Location Preference

Funnel Leakage Analysis

Business Issue

At each level of the hiring process, candidates drop off leading to a small percentage of submissions joining the project


Actionable insights for business / account teams in terms of what is driving leakage and what they should be focusing on to reduce leakages

Outcome Expected

Improve the percentage of submitted candidates joining the project 

Features, which could be used

Req Skills, Req City, Req State, Job Title, Exp Bill Rate, Division, Req Type, Positions, status, Hits, Company rate for the skill, Hires, Company rate for the skill, Not Joining Status, Position Title, Education Level, Skills, Salary, Location Preference, Years Experience, Years Consulting, Employment Type, Submissions

Time to Fill Prediction

Business Issue

There is no objective visibility into the time that it would take to fill a particular requirement. There are times when the time given by the client is less what it would take us to fill the requirement. It would be imprudent to spend time on that Req. Also, it helps to set the expectations with the client so that there are fewer missed deadlines.   


Based on various parameters predict the time to fill a Req once the entry is made in the system.

Outcome Expected

It will give us the time that a requirement in a skill type will take to be filled

·         This will help us keep the candidates in the pipeline for specific skills, which are more in demand to cut down on the time taken to fill

·         Make process and resource changes to fill the ‘hot’ requirements to faster and respond to more requirements

Features, which could be used

submitted on, Interview on, Contacted Date,  Expected Start Date, Expected End Date, Duration, Days, Skills, Close Fit Prediction, Business Issue, Model, Outcome Expected


User Behavior Prediction

Business Issue

The candidates drop out of the recruitment process at various levels due to various issues.


Likelihood of the candidate joining the project and completing the project

Outcome Expected

Help reduce bad deliveries and voluntary attrition

Features, which could be used

Labor rate, Company rate for the skill, Skills, Req Skills, State, City, Req Loc, Req City, Location Preference, Source, Req Type, Quality of Hire

Close Fit Analysis

Business Issue

Candidates are rejected by the client at various stages of the recruitment process due to fitment issues. Also, the candidates leaves the projects or are made to leave the project by the client  due to fitment issues.


Based on the requirements the recruiters should get a score for a profile whether the candidate will be selected and recruited for a project and perform well on the project

Outcome Expected

Help work on the profiles that have the higher probability of success on the project. Will help in reducing the involuntary and voluntary attrition

Features, which could be used

Req Skills, Req City, Req State, Exp Bill Rate, Division, Company rate for the skill, Position Title, Education Level, Skills, Salary, Location Preference, Years Experience

Quality of Hire

Business Issue

The bad performance of consultants can result in potential revenue and reputation loss.


Analyze the performance of the consultants after they are hired (evaluate with monthly and quarterly feedback)

Outcome Expected

This will help in predicting the performance of the consultants in the medium to long-term, plan training or counselling interventions to improve performance where needed and reduce attrition

Features, which could be used

Internal monthly and quarterly evaluation reports from  (not in the system yet)




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