Monday 15 August 2022

Trends Important to IT Industry

Industry Trends

*Based on Interviews with Limited Number of Developers and Project Managers


  • Cloud adoption is reaching maturity
  • Vendor management and platform integration has accelerated adoption of newer technologies
  • Latest development technologies are used
  • Micro services architecture has reached maturity
  • Almost all the projects are managed with Agile methodology with various frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, SAFe 
  • Offshoring happening in 40:60 ratio


  • New business models are emerging based on IOT and edge computing
  • Cloud adoption has reached maturity
  • Latest development technologies and platforms are used
  • Industry gearing up for 5G launch
  • Mostly used Agile-Scrum for project management
  • Developers and Project Managers interviewed have worked on diverse set of projects ranging from IoT based product development (ThingSpace for Verizon), self check out kiosk application, authentication & authorization and payments application 
  • Offshoring happening in 60:40 ratio

Financial Services Sector

  • Cloud adoption lags Retail and Telecom, mostly because of regulations
  • Application modernization is underway 
  • Various proprietary tools are being used
  • Security is given adequate attention and latest tools are in use
  • Project management is mostly Agile-scrum
  • Developers and Project Managers interviewed have worked on customer management solutions which pertains to both application development and data management
  • Offshoring happening in 50:50 ratio


  • Compliance based applications are the biggest gainers
  • Regulations remain all time high
  • Applications allowing contactless transactions are gaining significant traction
  • Cloud off take has been significant
  • Digital transformation and Application modernization have been much in demand
  • Mostly used Agile-Scrum for project management
  • Offshoring happening in 40:60 ratio


  • Predictive Maintenance is picking up leading to usage of IOT, large scale data ingestion and manipulation
  • As expected, supply chain is the key area of focus. However, predictive maintenance with supply chain is gaining traction. Quality control areas are given adequate focus and not surprisingly eCommerce is also getting tech makeover
  • Cloud off take is still client specific and not an industry-wide phenomenon
  • Application modernization is underway
  • Mostly using Agile-Scrum and Agile-Kanban
  • Offshoring happening in 40:60 ratio


  • Still using legacy systems
  • Primed for transformation
  • Dependent on budget allocation
  • Transformation RFPs will soon come
  • Focus is on automating the dispensation of the key services of the state and country government entities
  • There are steps taken to modernize the IT infrastructure with move from mainframe to more distributed computing
  • Cloud is still sporadically used with some government entities planning for cloud but others are still not discussing it as yet
  • Project management is combination of waterfall and agile with distinct desire to move towards agile
  • Offshoring still in nascent phase


  • Major installation of enterprise software for billing and customer management
  • Projects underway to streamline internal processes
  • Cloud off-take still to catch up with the leader industries
  • The industry has been slow moving traditionally in modernization initiatives and it reflects on the usage of very old version of Java and other technologies
  • Did not come across offshoring


  • BPO has always been at the forefront of operational excellence and cost optimization
  • Consolidation of systems with the help of enterprise application is key to derive more value from the systems
  • Cloud off-take is in a mature state
  • Did not come across offshoring

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