Saturday 18 July 2020

Scrum Processes- Set the product vision- Again Product Owner (PO) is to the fore

Scrum Processes- Set the product vision- Again Product Owner (PO) is to the fore

One of the key functions of the product owner, is to evolve an idea into a vision and eventually into a product. It’s true that every product for sale today, anywhere, started as an idea. That idea then evolved into a vision that an organization got behind. The same is true for projects.

The entire process, however, cannot be managed by the product owner by himself.

An effective way to engage others in helping to find the vision, is to include them when setting it. When PO holds a visioning session, the PO will need to invite the executive sponsor, all the key stakeholders, and everyone on the team. May be team is not formed yet, then can be apprised later. Include, the ones who can make or break your work with a word. Limit attendees to a maximum of 18 to 20. This makes the group manageable, and it can still result in good, cross-area conversations. Bill Shackelford's, Design the Box could be a good starting point for the outcome of the visioning exercise. This exercise consists of developing the front of the box, which includes: the product name, a graphic or logo for the product, and three to five key selling points or objectives for the product.

The back of the box is also developed, and it includes: the product description and key features, and also any operating requirements. One option, is to have the PO facilitate the meeting with the group, as a whole, and have everyone provide ideas and suggestions, while the PO captures the information on a whiteboard, or a flip chart paper. There are various methods to get the visioning exercise right.

Finally, once the box is designed and mutually agreed upon, the attendees come together to decide what the definition of done is for the product. These criteria will be used to communicate to the team, and stakeholders, that when complete, the project achieved the vision they helped set.

1 comment:

  1. This article are supper help full if you want to know more about Visioning Exercise then please click here.
