Saturday 11 July 2020

Fundamentals of Scrum Framework

Fundamentals of Scrum Framework:

Scrum is a framework that's based on value. It's about understanding the value the customer wants, understanding how to organize around that value, and finally understanding how to deliver that value quickly and iteratively.
Key Aspects:
- Simple and lightweight framework
- Composed of short timeframes, known as Sprints, and it's usually two weeks in length
- Have Stand-up meeting for 15 minutes every day
- Work comes to the team through the product owner, or PO, who's the business representative of the team
- The PO shares work with the team as user stories, and the team develops and tests according to the acceptance criteria for the stories
- Each story is a single, fully functional segment
- At the end of the Sprint, the team demonstrates the fully-functional product they've developed
- If the PO and stakeholders agree that it's done, it can be considered complete and won't need to be worked on again
- Work item can be released to production if needed
- After the team completes the demo, they'll spend time assessing how they performed as a team. This is called retrospective review
- The team continuously adapts and grows, as a team, so they can deliver more quickly , with improved quality, every single Sprint

1 comment:

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