Sunday 19 April 2020

Digitization in Educational Institutions in India

Digitization in Educational Institutions

Education is the key to bringing change in the society- make it more innovative, create equitable playing ground for talent and bring about overall development and prosperity

There is a lot of scope for innovation in the education industry in terms of pedagogy, instructional design, medium of reach and market segmentation.

The education industry is moving towards the sweet spot where the demand and supply meet for the first time. That is the point where the maximum innovations come through and maximum amount of money is made.

The government of India is focusing on digitizing the contents with colleges and universities and connecting these institutions
  • The National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) Scheme  aims to leverage the potential of ICT for teaching and learning processes. The Mission has two major components - content generation and providing connectivity along with provision for access devices to the institutions and learners. Under the NMEICT Mission connectivity to 419 Universities/ University level Institutions and 25000+ colleges and polytechnics in the country has been envisaged to be provided.

More than 100,000 colleges and schools are using Information Technology solutions in one form or the other. Applications to connect with parents, students and school staff is becoming common place
As richer data emerges and capabilities increase, IoE will continue to connect the formerly unconnected, close the gap in education and develop  practical solutions that improve the quality of education for all students.
In this new ecosystem, education in several institutes is gradually migrating from campus based learning to eLearning or blended learning, curriculum on Internet/cloud, learning through mobile computing devices over secure WiFi, collaborating over video, assessment through online tools and integrating all this for AnyTimeAnywhereLearning through applications like LMS (Learning Management Systems)

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