Thursday 19 March 2020

Unified Customer Data View and Engagements via Omnichannel Integration

‘Customer is the king’ could not have been more apt in any era than the one we live in. Customer has become more aware and has multiple mediums of communication and has a tremendous impact on the way a company is perceived. The onus is on the service providers to accord an experience to the customer based on all the information that the customer is disseminating on various platforms. Customers expect service provider to be aware of their likes and dislikes, deliver customized services tailored for them and gove ongoing support
Challenges for a Triple Play Communications player

In telecommunicationstriple play service is a marketing term for the provisioning, over a single broadband connection, of two bandwidth-intensive services, broadband Internet access and television, and the latency-sensitive telephone (Definition- Wikipedia).

Mediums of delivery is changing and integration of data to give a personalized service is the key
  • Threats from other mediums such as mobile TV and TV on internet is jeopardizing the cozy relationship that the cable TV providers had with the viewers.
  • The incumbents are getting in on the act with apps of their own, that has become a sticking point dragging out major programming negotiations.
  • The digitization wave is making the content available on the internet and the young generation is more inclined to watch on the internet on the go than tune in to the cable TV. A triple play communications player already has the internet play and digitization is one of the key strategic areas for them.
  • This poses the other question of bringing all the data on one platform to give a single view of the customer and provide the customers personalized services.
  • Creating partnership for content and keeping partners happy is a key aspect of the triple play companies
  • Triple play companies provide cable TV, internet and home phones services under one umbrella. “Cooptition” or cooperative competition is the way forward for triple play companies. According to Cablevision Systems Corp. CEO, James Dolan, Netflix traffic is taking up 40% of his data traffic and figured “we’re not going to try and shut that down. We’re going to do the opposite: we’re going to offer the best Netflix experience.” In June, Cablevision was ranked the second-fastest Internet service provider in the U.S. after Google Inc.’s Fiber in delivering Netflix traffic, according to an index posted by Netflix.
  • This is putting more pressure on the players to monitor services provided by the partners on their platforms and gauge how they themselves can upsell and cross-sell.
  • The new age triple play companies have to bring content, commerce, CRM and collaboration tools in one platform.

Triple play Communications player Objectives

  • Produce higher quality “craftsmanship”, greater reliability, and higher levels of service in labor force, with attendant increases in customer satisfaction which allows us to increase subscriber life
  • ·       Quality assurance to drive a reduction in service calls and repeat service calls
  • Preventive plant maintenance to reduce service impacting events
  • Higher percentage of triple play (Cable TV, Internet and Home Phone) to drive lower churn and cost to replace revenue
  • Fully featured product set in home at valuable price, up front, means less incentive to change service level, reducing transactions and points of failure
  • Integration with various social media platforms to give a more personalized services to the customers

  • ATG Web Commerce offers a complete commerce software platform that enables delivery of a personalized customer buying experience across all customer touch points, including the web, contact center, mobile devices, social media, physical stores, and more.
  • To further enhance the customer experience, ATG Web Commerce offers an integrated set of software-as-a-service (SaaS) commerce services that provide the flexibility and intelligence to target the right visitors at the right time with the right offer in the right channel to drive high-value sales. Through these services, a company can engage with customers at the point of interaction through personalized recommendations, targeted promotions, and guided assistance.
  • ATG webcommerce solution compares very well against competing commerce platforms such as IBM Websphere, MS commerce, Hybris and others.
  • ATG has good functionalities in core commerce areas such as Product catalogue, Product visualization, Shopping cart management, Multi-channel support, Personalization, Rich internet applications, Multiple deployment, Web 2.0 and social software integrations, Mobilestore support, international customer support, Integration capability and Tech architecture.
However, there are few important features are not available outside of the box (OOTB) and hence become critical for evaluating the webcommerce platform.  Some of the important functionalities not awailable with ATG Webcommerce are:

Contact Center

  • Distribution of agents based on configurable assignment rules- In ATG CSC, the concept of ticket is generally used to refer to what is worked upon by an agent. A ticket can be created, reassigned, escalated or closed. If we have to manually create and distribute tickets/work items it has to be customized, and will be quite complex
  • The agents must be able to receive incoming emails via their personal work queue- Custom work needed to make sure agents receive emails when new items get assigned to them
  • The solution must be able to automatically send an acknowledgement for an incoming email- Custom solution required.
  • The solution must be able to create a case based on an issue from an inbound email- Custom solution required.
  • The solution must be able to monitor agent and email queues- Custom solution required.
  • The solution must provide the monitoring for the transactions and necessary reporting based on agreed SLA- Custom reports need to be built. SLAs can be configured to escalate or to automatically reassign or close tickets as necessary.
  • The contact center executive should have access to call scripts which will guide the agent through the calls and should support branching logic- Custom solution required.

Agent Enablement

  • The application should be configured to allow agents to login into all partner network applications automatically without re-keying username/password into these applications- Custom solution required for sigle sign on.
  • The application should be configured to automate the manual processes for certain activities like Product Catalogue Marketing, Event, Campaign Info- Custom solution required.
  • The solution should be configured to implement workflows to remove the need for agents to remember which applications to look into for different kinds of information- Custom solution required.
  • The solution should be integrated with knowledge management system to help quickly resolve frequently-occurring issues- Custom solution required.
  • The  solution  should  be  configured  to  load  all  the  pertinent  information  about  a customer into context and share it with all the integrated applications to reduce re-keying- Customisation has to be done to integrate to other applications based on the protocol
  • The application should be configured to support automatic screen population via CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) and/or IVR- With little configuration this is possible OOTB
360 Degree Customer View

  • The application should be configured to fetch / load all  customer /  account  and transaction information from id/contract/application number with partner network- Custom panels and data fetch layer has to be written to fetch data from different sources and show it on the screen.
  • The application should be configured to allow the up-selling and/or cross-selling- OOTB if the backend uses ATG Product Catalog otherwise custom components have to be built.
  • The application should implement single customer view by accessing the latest data from CRM & Billing- Customisation needed to pull data from CRM & Billing and show it in Custom Panels.

1.     If enabled Commerce Service Center can be used to manage Multi site ATG Commerce implementations, which means agents can handle requests for multiple websites using one ATG CSC implementation
2.     Agents can search for Orders, Customers and lookup information in the Product Catalog.
a.     Order/Customer (Profile) – SQL text Search
b.     Product Catalog -  Endeca / SQL text Search.
3.     Agents can help end customer create/modify Giftlists and Wishlists. They can also help a customer to buy products from their gift/wish lists.
4.     Customer service agents can help end customers return items already received or exchange them for other similar items. In the process agents can also help with refunding any amount that the customer has already paid.
5.     Customer service agents can help customers with scheduling orders based on an Order template. This is a feature that is heavily used in the B2B scenario
6.     Agents have access to a promotion browser through which they can help calling customers with promotions that are applicable for their current purchase and provide information about the discounts that they would get when one or more promotions are applied. Agents can apply the promotions as part of the purchase process for the calling customer
7.     CSC Agents can approve orders that are waiting for approval based on their authorization and appeasement limits. Business users can configure agent specific appeasement limits through BCC
8.     CSC Agents can be granted/revoked an access to parts of the servicing application based on their authorization levels
9.     CSC can be configured to send emails using templates at different stages of an Order based on whether the Agent created a new order for a customer, modified an existing order, approved an order, etc., It can also be extended to configure new templates as needed
10.  CSC can be integrated with Click-to-call to enable customers to initiate phone calls with agents. Click-to-call adds JavaScript icon/link to the customer facing webpages using which a customer can enter a phone number that the Live Help On Demand Webcare system or an optional telephony (CTI) system uses to return their call. CSC presents the agent with the customer’s order information and profile, allowing the agent to assist the customer with their order
11.  When the customer uses the Click-to-call facility from the customer facing web pages, based on the ATG user profile, all the relevant information is passed on to the agent who is serving the customer. This helps in loading his screen with relevant information – Profile Id, Order Id, List Pricelist Id, Sale Pricelist Id, Catalog Id, Site Id
12.  CSC Agents are always working in context of a Ticket
13.  Using ATG Ticketing, Tickets can be created, cloned, modified, disposed as duplicate, escalated, reassigned or closed
14.  Tickets can be created manually or using automated methods.
15.  TicketQueues can be maintained at Organization level and can be polled and refreshed across multiple agent screens
16.  At any time Agents can work on multiple Tickets on different windows without affecting each other
17.  Tickets can be linked to Customers. More than one ticket can be linked to customers to know about history. Agents can search and retrieve already existing tickets
18.  ATG CSC usually sits on top of an ATG Platform/CA stack and so it’s assumed that the storefront is implemented in ATG
19.  Commerce Service Center is not a framework but an application built on ATG framework with deep roots into ATG Core and Commerce
20.  Commerce Service Center doesn’t support B2B – Orders that contain Purchase Orders, Invoice request, Organization info etc., are not editable by customer service agents, even though they are available for read only access

Generic ATG Web Commerce platform

Specific ATG Web Commerce platform for a triple play company
Design pattern 1
The Design pattern 1 depicts a light weight orchestration engine customized within the middleware that receives the order from CRM and then orchestrate the order to provision the service in the network and in the billing system. This design pattern is implemented primarily for light weight orchestration.

The Light weight but Robust Workflow engine built within the Middleware receives the order and then based on the workflow defined for the product would orchestrate and fulfil the order. A Sample Lightweight Workflow that needs to be orchestrated across order item is depicted below

Design pattern 2
The design pattern 2 depicts a dedicated and robust Order orchestation engine that receives the order from CRM via middleware and then decomposes the order and orchestrates and fulfils the same. The orchestration engine here is more robust and integrates seamlessly with Inventory system and a workforce management system

ATG CSC is primarily focused towards Ticketing and Customer Service associated with a StoreFront and its not an entirely standalone Customer Service system. So we may have to load all the data into ATG's user profile management system for it to work and the Customer has to buy the Commerce Platform even though its not going to be used - Order, Product Catalog, Promotions all those areas would not be used if its going to be used a simple ticketing system like Remedy.
  • Superior customer experience  by  allowing the user to choose out of multiple channels , chosing most appropriate at any given time, and to flip between others by exploiting the best capabilities of each channel
  • Effectively and consistently engaging with customers to optimize their whole experience across online, retail stores and call centers by offering a more event-based personal customer experience.
  • Analyse   and improve the customer experience with real-time analytics and business reporting features
  • Convergence of online and offline channels to differentiate a triple play’s brand
  • Seamlessly help customers across channels, from Web to e-mail, contact canter, mobile devices, social networks and more
  • Offer flexibility in altering pricing and billing models  to adapt to particular market conditions, the aspirations of different demographic groups, and even individual customer requirements
  • Drive repeat business by integrating Web marketing and email campaigns with Web store content
  • Increase revenue by turning the service center into a sales center
  • Empower service agents to quickly and accurately handle customer questions with knowledge management tools
  • Deliver personally relevant information to each customer at the right time
  • Allow Business users to combine unlimited variations of virtual product and customer data to deliver personalized  relevant products,services,devices,promotions and content to end Customers
  • Allow business users to deliver Web commerce experiences without having to predict their path, set up scenarios, or engage IT
  • Deliver superior, just-in-time, personalized, and consistent customer service across the full lifecycle
  • Present the catalog / content in multiple languages, as well as present pricing in multiple currencies
  • Get started quickly with pre-built, out-of-the-box templates and experience cartridges for the most common use cases
  • Integrated management of multi channel experiences like Web, Mobile, and In-Store  in the hands of business and marketing teams,  Bringing together unlimited variations of content, product and customer information to power smarter, richer buying experiences
    Additional Resources:

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