Monday 12 June 2017

Agritech and Medtech- Pest Control and Disease Management

Agritech- Pest Control

Pheromones to control pests are more useful when they are paired with IoT devices. A wireless sensor network monitors pest counts and detects their population. When the population level crosses the set limits, a metered pheromone delivery system automatically activates and disturbs the mating patterns of pests. This not only eradicates the pest problem; but also eradicates the need to use harmful pesticides.


SNAP-based RF modules and gateways is the foundation of the product. The SNAP-based RF modules give the ability to collect and transmit data using batteries to power their devices and without needing the batteries replaced for over a year.
It leverages the mesh networking capabilities of the SNAP-based RF modules to relay signals from their devices to SNAP-based Gateways. This allows them to deploy thousands of devices over hundreds of acres without having to rely on longer-range devices that weren’t capable of sending large amounts of data.

Added advantage

The solution provides the ability to expand the product offering by using the pest control sensors as a backbone for other smart agriculture applications, including soil moisture monitoring and disease detection.

By the use of pesticides

It is very crucial in the whole crop production cycle to identify when pests would attack and what quantity of pesticides need to be used.
Here pest control sensors would help. The sensors monitor the pest behavior, pest’s population, and analyze environmental parameters and plant growth. Based on this data the pesticides are automatically sprayed into the field at the place where it requires and in the right amount so that pests are disrupted initially.
The complete record of the pest’s attack on the crop, the amount of pesticides sprinkled and how much crop production is affected could be tracked. Implementing IoT reduces pesticide usage in the field and keep crop healthier.

Medtech- Disease Management

C1&C2: Cardiac arrhythmia monitoring services

Cardiac arrhythmia definition:

  •             Abnormality of the heart’s rhythm
  •             Can lead to loss of consciousness and death
  •             Possible treatments can be implantable devices (pacemaker, cardioverterdefibrillator) or surgical procedures like coronary by-pass surgery·

Component 1. Mobile Cardiac Outpatient Telemetry (MCOT)

  • ·        Monitors patients 24 hours a day via a small sensor and transmit patient activity to the company’s monitoring center

Component 2. Mobile Cardiac Telemetry system (MCT)

  • Sensor attached to the chest recording and transmitting physiological information via wireless connection to a central server

  •     Transmits data when it is available
  •     Reduces time of diagnosis, hospitalization costs and readmissions
  •     Makes the whole clinical pathway more efficient·

Challenges of implementation

  •          Patient privacy issues
  •          Risks on information accuracy
  •          Patient behaviour as a key driver in the adoption of the solution
  •          Expensive

Diabetes management systems

Diabetes definition

  •           Condition where the pancreas produces little (Type 1) or no insulin (Type 2) 
  •             In most cases treatments involve taking insulin injections for life and monitoring the level of blood sugar
  •            Oral or other medications can be administrated and in some cases a pancreas transplant or bariatric surgery is recommended 

Easy2Check monitoring device by LifeWatch

  •             Uses blood pressure and glucose monitor to give accurate test results 
  •             Communicates via Bluetooth to a smart screen, PC or cellular / or land line phone, transmitting data to a web-enabled server 
  •             Data is stored, reviewed and interpreted by the patient’s doctor

  •             Easy to implement
  •             Immediate access to data 
  •             Direct feedback on the treatment efficacy
  •             Improves the efficacy of the overall clinical pathway

  •             No reimbursement for non face-to-face services
  •             Medical legal issues related to timeliness of provider response
  •             Patient privacy issue
  •             Expensive

Obesity prevention

Obesity definition

• Excessive body fat for a given height and gender, with BMI>30
• Consequences on cholesterol, diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, sexual health issues
• Possible treatments can be diets, exercising plans, even medication and surgical treatments

Fitbit Ultra Wireless Tracker by FITBIT

  • Wireless-enabled fitness tracker, with a 3D motion sensor tracking:
                                - calories burned
                                - steps taken
                               - distances travelled
                               - sleep quality

  • Data collected uploaded on Internet every time the tracker is within 15 feet of a base station

  •             Contributes to obesity prevention by providing data on people’s activity levels
  •             Patients take control of their own health
  •             Challenges in implementation
  •             People’s lack of diet and lifestyle adherence
  •             Constraint to wear it permanently

Please connect with the author of the article at for any help on Internet of Things (IoT) design, development or insights.

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